Design Features Of Vertically Suspended Sump Pump

Source: China Vertical Turbine Pump Manufacturer Date:2024/11/20 15:53:05 visitors:0ClassificationVertical Sump Pump

Design Features Of Vertically Suspended Sump Pump 

1.Frame-for standard NEMAC and P Flange normal thrust motors.Other drivesoptional.

2.Flexible coupling-Standard type is used,with grid style or a FAST brandavailable as an option.

3.lmpeller Adjusting Nut-adjustable without dismantling pump.

4.Thrust Bearing -high thrust capacity, water-proof housing,purge type grease lubrication.

5.Shaft.precision machinedof a high grade carbon stee and optional alloys.

6.column closure -optionaldesians to suit applications.

7.Column Pipe -full weightsteel with welded flanges.

8.Machined registered fit at allassembly points from motorto suction head assures concentric alignment andquiet operation.

9.Intermediate bearingassembly optional designsfor difficult applications-located at 3 to 5'intervals.

10.Bottom Bearing Assembly -optional designs to suit application.

11.Volute Type casing-flanged and threaded discharge - double volute type with 3"and largerdischarge.

12.lmpeller-high efficiency heavy process design,keyed to shaft and secured by locknut and washer.

13.Suction Head-permits easyreplacement if required.the suctionhead is cast integral with casing.

14.Bearing Housing -heavyduty,designed formaximum loads.(Notshown)15.Bearing Bushing .varietyof materials available for specific requirements.(Not shown)

16.Choker Ring -resists entrance of solids orabrasives into bottombearing.(Not shown)

17.Packing Box-used withvapor tight construction.Available with 3 or 5packing rings.(Not shown)

18.Split gland-easy packingmaintenance for sealing atplate.(Not shown)

19.Lantern Ring -permitslubrication or flushingliquid to packing box.(Notshown)


21.External lubrication fitting-optional for pressurizedfluid or grease (in and outconnections).(Not shown)

22.Spring-maintains pressureon packing.(Not shown)

23.Support plate -Standardas part of the pump unitVapor tight constructionoptional.

24.Discharge pipe-above orbelow plate outlet.

25.Suction strainer.

Design Features Of Vertically Suspended Sump Pump.png

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